In which I discover "back links" and get a few pleasant surprises
In the process of poking around, I was looking in the Settings windows, and discovered, in the Comments window, that I could set my blog to tell me when someone else had linked to a post of mine in her or his own blog just by clicking "Show" for a function called "Back linking."
Imagine my surprise when I checked my, er, "front page" (?) (the posts that one can read without going to the archives) to see the results of my tinkering and discovered that ". . . A woman’s place—if any—in the siddur" had been cited by Elie in the Sunday, January 15, 2006 edition of "Haveil Havalim" (a weekly round-up of interesting posts)! In addition, Ezzie had linked to ". . . Shlock Rock was here!," and "Shlomo Carlebach and company show me the way—a milestone in the life of a late-learner."
Wow! I guess I'm not quite as unknown as I'd thought! Thanks!
Thanks, too, to Jack of the Shack for including my post of this past Friday, January 20, 2006, "On a tear . . . or not: “Flippin’ out,” Conservative style?" in the latest edition of Haveil Havalim.
It's really nice to know that there are folks who are interested in what I have to say. Thanks for stopping by.
Thanks for making it easy to find posts to include.
Heh - I think I've linked more than that... suggestions: Join Technorati and the TTLB Ecosystem. It makes it quite easy to track links that way. Blogger also has a way to check who's linking to you.
Jack, I'm happy to oblige. :)
Ezzie, I've barely managed to install a blogroll, with massive quantities of help from Sheyna Galyan, and now you're talking Techo to me? Help! Also, my money is currently invested in our son's college tuition--I believe you're familiar with that :).
Actually, thank God for scholarships!
See, one advantage of getting married with no money is that whatever tuition your other scholarships don't cover, you get financial aid for. I may be proud, but I'm not stupid... ;)
The two I mentioned are not so technical, actually. Go to and sign up - I don't think you actually have to do anything else. For TTLB you do, but it's not a big deal. E-mail me and I can help if you need any...
As Psycho Toddler said to me once upon a time (see my Sept. 16, 2005 post), "The problem is, if you didn't understand the jargon, ie 'podcast', the odds are that the explanations will be meaningless too." I visited Technorati. "Claiming" a blog? What the heck are they talking about? I think I've already surpassed the limits of my technological expertise, such as it is.
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